NC Maphia Recruiting Officer | About Us

About us

Group of people authorized to act

NC Maphia Recruiting Officer is all about recruiting people into NC Maphia so they are never board or fed up as they have always got a job to do. The recruiting officer will make an event when they will be recruiting and all you do is. Is watch out for the event and turn up and if you do have any question then please do not hesitate to ask them as they will be glad to answer your questions.


Recruiting officer rank was brought into NC Maphia in the middle of July 2015 so we have got another rank that might could gain yourself as the Head Recuiting officer would promote you if he/she thinks you would be perfect at the job.


Crew Growth




Years Experience




  • It saves time for the SMT to recruit where as we have members that can be part of the recruiting team and do it.

    Kieran Allan
    Kieran Allan
  • NC Maphia has benefited from the rank so it gives members the chance to be in a rank and feel part of a team.

    Chrissy McHallam
    Chrissy McHallam
  • Recruiting officer is a good rank to obtain within NC Maphia as you will never be board. You will always feel part of a team.

    Brian Johnstone
    Brian Johnstone
  • Recruiting Officer is one of the best additions that has came to NC Maphia, because there is always someone that want to join.

    Scott Johnstone
    Scott Johnstone

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